~2012 First trip to Haiti with Blowers Chapel Youth group, through Children's Lifeline in La Digue Haiti.
~2013 2nd trip to Haiti through Children's Lifeline. Tanja Visits with a local widows group and the needs of widows in the village are made abundantly clear. God starts his tugging and 7:10 Foundation is formed. Our first goal is to raise the money to build a home for Madam Datilus, a woman from the widows group that changed it all for Tanja.
~2014 Non-Profit corporation established in Minnesota, Non Profit Status is granted
~2015 Haitian Director Rodnald is hired and our first official paid employee. Later Assistant director is hired. 3 acres of Land is purchased in La Digue to establish our widowage. Property is cleaned, fenced, and growing begins.
~2016 Our first home (build with earth bags) is built on the property for Madam Elissianne. (Eve) Our very first team
~2017 Our first Short Term Missions team visits from the states! 2nd home is built on the property.
~2018 Teams continue to visit, and Kitchen/Depot is built on the property.
7:10 Foundation has been blessed to help 7 families with housing since our inception in 2013! One home was purchased, one was built with wood and brick, three are block houses, and two are earth bag houses.